A good portion of this show is Darren waxing lyrical about how much he hates Nicky Wire and some of the quotes he has allegedly said...

What a round face
We also talked about bands that have no where near as much prestige as they should have, I mentioned the Swedish pop masterminds...The Tough Alliance
aaaaaand Darren talked about his current obsession with The Replacements
New bands that were talked about on this show go as follows....
Summer Camp - Female fronted synth driven epic pop
Cloud Control - Incredibly catchy Australian indie riffsters
Real Estate - Perfect dreamy surf pop (If you enjoyed Beach Fossils from last week, then you'll love these guys)
Whilst you're here I suggest you get involved with us a couple of other social networking thingys!
So get on those and give us a follow or a like or anything inbetween
As always we WHOLEHEARTEDLY encourage you to email us any bands you think me might like, whether you're in one yourself or just have heard something that makes your ears happy, send us an email at thenewreview@hotmail.co.uk
THANKS for listening
I bloody love you
Nathan x
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